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Workshop for Club Officers

By Susan Tue 12th Nov

Workshop for Club Officers
Workshop for Club Officers

Two important workshops for club officers take place in the Kilmore Hotel Tuesday November 12th at 8pm.
1 Preparing Club Accounts & Financial Governance:-For Treasurers
  • The evening will focus on the Club Accounts Template introduced last.
  • The template standardises and simplifies the process:
  • It eases the workload and protects the Treasurers
  • It is now the minimum acceptable GAA standard.
2 Running a Successful AGM:-For Chairpersons & Secretaries
Topics covered include
  • Preparing for the AGM
  • Rules governing the AGM-Nominations,Quorm,Voting etc
  • Tips on how to keep the meeting running smoothly
  • Post AGM actions

Everybody is more than welcome particularly Club Officers.


Further details from County Development Officer Michael Reynolds on 
By Susan Tue 12th Nov

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