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Handball Seminar

By Susan Tue 11th Oct

Handball Seminar
Handball Seminar

Liathróib Laímhe Uladh
An Bealach Romhainn
The Way Forward


Comhairle Uladh Handball Seminar
Saturday 15th October 2016
Tyrone GAA Centre, Garvaghy, County Tyrone

Workshops Focus
“Handball is played on the National and International World Stage. It sits alongside football, hurling and rounders as one of the GAA’s four core sports. The seminar is presented to increase the profile of the game with County Boards and revisit the roles and responsibilities for the promotion and development of the game.
Workshop Outcomes
At the end of the sessions we will have:
• Profiled Handball as an important part of the GAA Sports Programme.
• Engaged support for future development from GAA Administrators.
• Challenged our player, coach and volunteer development pathways.
• Assessed current facility provision and administration support.
• Developed Key Actions for Clubs, County Boards, Games Managers and Provincial Council

Workshop Programme

9.30 Arrival and Tea
9.45 Oliver Galligan, Vice- President Ulster GAA
10.00: Chris Curran
Overview and Reflections of Handball in Ulster
10.45: Darragh Daly
Coaching and Player Development – Challenges with implementation”
11.15: Break
11.30: Shane McCann
Ulster GAA One Wall Initiative in Schools
11.45: Robert Maguire
Forum to Develop Key Actions
Focus 1: Recruitment of Volunteer Support in Counties
Focus 2: Fixtures and Support
Focus 3: Maximising Existing Facilities
Focus 4: Schools to Clubs
Focus 5: County Board Responsibility
12.45: Robert Maguire
1.00: Sean Clarke: Chairperson Ulster Handball

By Susan Tue 11th Oct

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