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County Planning Programme – Have Your Say

By Susan Thu 17th May

County Planning Programme – Have Your Say
County Planning Programme – Have Your Say

Huge thanks to the large attendance at last night’s Co Planning meeting for your contribution of views & lively discussions. 

The 3 year plan’s five focus areas & group leaders are : Coaching & Games Dev (Martin McGovern), Finance (Kevin Smith). Co Structures & Admin (Cathaldus Hartin). Facilities (Alan Traynor). 

PR, Communications & Culture (Aogan Farrell). 

In the coming weeks, there will be a further opportunity to contribute views through an online survey, which will be available on Cavan GAA social media. Be sure to Have Your Say. 

The Co Planning Steering Committee is led by Michael Reynolds, Co Development Officer & members are Phil Smith, George Cartwright, Liam McCabe & Anne Fortune. 

Nathan Carter Ticket Draw:

The winner of our draw for those attending on the night for 2 Nathan Carter tickets on 17th June in Hotel Kilmore was Martin Dolan from Templeport. The winner of our Facebook competition was Stephen McGaughran. Congrats.

By Susan Thu 17th May

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